At Rock City, contemporary/modern worship is at the heart of all we do. Music has the unique ability of engaging us spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually, so we use it as a means of focusing our hearts and minds at the beginning of every gathering. Jesus said when we worship God, we must do so "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24), meaning that we truly connect with Him when we approach worship with an attitude of humility and transparency. We sing songs of praise, proclaiming our love for Him and gratitude for what He has done for us. We sing songs of contrition, confessing our need for His mercy and grace. And we sing songs of celebration, looking forward to the fulfillment of His promise to come again! Some choose to stand, some to raise their hands, and some to clap along with the rhythm - there are no rules or expectations, only that we worship Him with sincerity and enthusiasm. 

If you are musically or artistically gifted, we would love to have you join our team! There are opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists of all kinds, as well as for producing/directing, stage and set design, lighting, camera operation, and a wide array of technical arts, many with no experience required. If you're interested in joining us as a part of the team, please let us know by emailing